【Top Valuable Brand最具价值品牌奖】 精简护肤 Laderm 于今年踏入20周年的专业护肤品牌 LA’DERM,秉持着为亚洲人设计精简护肤品的理念,结合专业美容知识和天然配方,多年来让无数人收获了”Skin Better Than Before”的美好体验。 SPECIAL THANKS TO STEG Hotel Kuala Lumpur #LADERM #LADERMMalaysia #SkinBetterThanBefore #topvaluablebrand #BeautyAwards20222023 #SISTERSMagazine #SISTERSMalaysia #Sisters姊妹 #NextTrendMy #BeautyTrendMalaysia #STEGHotelKL
Our vision has always been the unity of fulfilling a woman’s need in beauty and providing the best solution when it comes to empowering and making one feel beautiful. “22 years of being in the industry, I always…
《BeautyTrend》与《SISTERS》联办的第三届2017/18年度美妆大赏的成绩已华丽揭晓,获选本年度“Top Brand”(年度最佳品牌)的22个美容保养品牌凭藉品牌素质与服务,
Laderm is one of our famous and loved skincare brands in the market that has also received great comments and enjoyed by younger generation.
We are very pleased to announce the launch of our fantastic new website, along with a new look we have included some features that we hope will make visiting the site a quicker, easer and more interactive experience.To…